Python (Level-2): Data type, for Loop, String, Functions

4. Data types(intro)

Data Types
- As in other programming languages, data types are very important.
- Since Python provides many practical data types, 
it is very important to clearly understand and use them.
- For now, only the very basics of data types are covered.

data types 01

data types 02

### [Self-Practice] ### 

5. loop statement:  for

for loop 01

for loop 02

for loop 03

for loop 04

### [Self-Practice] ### 

6. Do you know the difference between 'keywords' and 'statement'?

Keywords(Reserved Words)
- What are keywords?
- Literally meaning 'important word', it means that the programmer cannot change it.
- Keywords may differ slightly depending on the Python version.

difference between keywords_and_statements

7. Functions

Python has several functions that are readily available for use. 
These functions are called built-in functions. 
In this page, you will find all the built-in functions in Python.
we already have seen this.

import calendar

calendar.prmonth(2020, 3)

     March 2020
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
 2  3  4  5  6  7  8
 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31

external functions

def arithmetic_operation(a, b):
    return a+b, a-b, a*b, a/b

c = arithmetic_operation(1, 2)

user-defined function

### [Self-Practice] ### 

a little special control statement
- break
- continue
- pass

break, continue, pass keywords

# is this OK?

course_grade = [0, 100, 50, 100, 80]

sum = 0
for course in course_grade:
    sum += course

print("course sum:", sum)
print("average:", sum / len(course_grade))

Can we use built-in function names for variables?

# Is this OK?
i = j = 20
print(i, j)

# Is this OK Too?
i = (j = 10)
print(i, j)

statement ? expression?

8. Operators review : operators in (2)



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